Yuletide Whimsy

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Update on Classes

Exciting news! We have 5 people signed up already for our Tuesday morning class...the Beginner/Refresher Class AND 5 people signed up for the Thursday evening Beginner/Refresher Class! If you're thinking about signing up...please do so soon. I want to be sure there's room for everyone.

BTW~I have a new pricing structure for classes beginning in September. Class fees will be $10/class if paid by the month. If you'd like to drop in for a class or a specific project, the class fee will be $15/class you drop in. For example, if you're not taking classes every week but just have to take the next project...you'll pay $15/class for however long the project lasts.

I am also re-structuring the seminar fees...more on that later.

There are pictures on the blog of the Beginner/Refresher class projects...please take a look and contact me soon!
Until we meet again...
Happy Trails to you,

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fall Classes

Well, it's time once again to announce the formation of Fall Classes for Tole in the Wall Decorative Arts! Please think seriously about becoming a member of the Tole in the Wall Gang...we have so much fun painting, laughing, laughing, painting, eating cake! I will be offering three classes this fall. Two Beginner/Refresher classes--you get to practice strokes and re-learn and un-learn with 4 beautiful projects; one Advanced Beginner Class--I call this advanced beginner because I have some students who are fairly new to painting and some students who've been painting for a long time and just enjoy coming to class because they like the projects. The first Beginner/Refresher Class is scheduled for Tuesday mornings beginning September 13 and will continue for 12 weeks. The second Beginner/Refresher Class is held on Thursday evenings beginning September 15 and will continue for 13 weeks (because we take off Thanksgiving--I know, go figure). The Advanced Beginner Class is held Tuesday evenings and is an ongoing class. We're taking a few weeks off that class and it will resume September 13. You can email me or contact me through private messaging on my facebook page: http://www.toleinthewall.blogspot.com/ I'd love to have you join us! Until we meet again...
Happy Trails!